
Deep fake detection in the browser

Try it yourself

Result placeholder
Fake or real images

Select which kind of image you want from the random generator

From any deepfake model

Use this to only use a specific deep fake model on the random generator


How does it works?

We run the deep fake detection algorithm inside your browser, the image is never sent to our servers. In fact, we do not have any server running :)

This algorithm runs a neural network model trained to detect images generated by a Convolutional Neural Network, which is the state of the art deep fake generation technique.

Why is my deep fake image not properly classified as fake?

As of today, this state of the art algorithm only works well on original image data. Any transformation, like scaling, filtering or a making a screenshot of the original image will discard precious information from the image and is likely to fool the model.

As progress is made on this field, researchers will continue to improve this detection algorithm and we will hopefully soon be able to detect deep fakes from transformed images as well.